Pioneering industrial campus


of the


Switzerland's leading food & biomass campus,

while respecting the site's rich heritage and natural beauty

AgriCo represents a pioneering space, a living campus that offers exchanges and networks to the companies present on the site, as well as to its visitors, and reinforces synergies, while respecting the site's rich heritage and natural setting.

The site offers conference and catering facilities, crèches, green spaces and retail outlets. AgriCo is an exemplary sustainable industrial site in terms of environmental protection and renewable energies.

The State of Fribourg has placed it at the heart of its agri-food strategy, with the "farm to plate" concept (production, processing, sales, distribution).

Site assets

An exceptional geographical location

close to freeway and airport

ha of business park already legalized

ha of community and natural spaces

companies already present

ha of industrial space built

ha of agricultural land with the possibility of full-scale trials


A site based on the three pillars of sustainable development:



  • Promoting innovation and research
  • Synergies and pooling of equipment and infrastructures
  • Circular economy
  • More than 1,600 jobs and 0.8 billion francs of investment



  • 100% renewable energy
  • Site center without traffic
  • Shared mobility management
  • Enhancing green spaces
  • Reflections on common spaces



  • New-generation industrial campus, a pleasant place to work, live and socialize
  • Services: conference areas, catering facilities, crèches, green spaces, retail areas
  • Site integrated into the life of the community and the region


A site purchased in 2017 by the State of Fribourg

The State has transferred ownership to the Etablissement cantonal de promotion foncière (ECPF), which is responsible for developing and enhancing the site.

With its 27.7 hectares of business park, including a large proportion of protected buildings and surrounded by almost 100 hectares of agricultural land, it offers interesting development prospects and has been chosen to become the benchmark campus for agrifood and biomass in Switzerland, in close partnership with Grangeneuve.

The development of the site envisages an industrial site without motorized traffic in its center, with centralized parking in a parking lot shared by all the companies.

The silo parking lot will be an integral part of a mobility platform at the eastern entrance to the site, which will function as the main gateway for motorized traffic, public transport, deliveries and soft mobility; only soft mobility will then be able to enter the site.